With our Loyalty Program, you will always gain!

What is the Loyalty Program?

With every purchase you make in our online store you earn points that you can redeem in the next purchase! 

How do I collect Points?

The number of points you will collect depends on the cost of the product you will buy.

Every € 10 equals 50 points.

How can I redeem all the points I have accumulated?

You can convert all these points you have collected into Voucher Code and use it in your shopping cart.

Do I need an account to redeem my Points?

Υes. You can also collect points as a Guest, but in order to convert them into Vouchers and redeem them, you must have an account.

Is there a minimum order cost to redeem the Voucher?

Yes. In order to be able to redeem your Voucher, the cost of the order must be twice the cost of the Voucher you have at your disposal.

Where can I see how many Points I have collected?

In your Account (here) and in the My Rewards Account section, you can see how many points you have collected and which Voucher you have used in the past.

What is the ratio of Points to Euros?

Every 100 points you collect is equal to 1€.

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